Strength Training: The Ultimate Guide From Beginner To Advanced

Weight Training for Jiu Jitsu

So you want to start strength training!? Welcome to the BuiltThroughStrength, ultimate guide! This blog post is going to be filled with information. I will be creating other articles that pinpoint specifics that I touch on here, however, this is where you will find all the keys to the methods and points that I pay attention to when I’m working with someone, regardless if they are a beginner or advanced. With that being said, we have a lot to get to, so we’re going to dive right in! 

When I became interested in strength, it was because of a back injury that came seemingly out of nowhere. While I’m going to save that story for another article on another day, what struck me was the fact that my injury most likely came from repetitive athletic movements (basketball) over many years, combined with a lack of overall strength in my body. That played a key role in not only becoming interested in weights / strength, but also how I look at training as a whole. Whether you’re a “weekend warrior”, a competitive athlete, a powerlifter, or someone who just wants to move their body a couple times/week, incorporating a strength routine into your life will be of great benefit. From younger to older, everyone can benefit from lifting things and moving their body.  

In addition to the physical enhancements within the body, you’re embracing a lifestyle that champions endurance, breeds resilience and fosters a sense of accomplishment.

So, let’s dive into this ultimate guide. Get ready to truly understand the principles of strength, and prepare to transform not just your body, but your mind. 

The science behind training your body to become stronger involves the principle of progressive overload, which focuses on gradually increasing the load placed on your muscles to stimulate growth and adaptation. There are many “methods” of training available and there’s an option for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned gym goer. Proper technique, safety, and optimal program design are all important aspects that contribute to the success of your journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Strength training plays a vital role in overall fitness and health, benefiting all ages and fitness levels.
  • A wide variety of exercises and equipment makes implementing a training plan accessible to everyone.
  • Combining optimal program design with nutrition and measuring progress ensures effective and optimal results.
  • Proper technique and safety are paramount.

The Science of Strength Training

What is Strength Training

Let’s begin with the dictionary definition – “A form of exercise that focuses on developing the muscles and connective tissues of the body through the use of external resistance”. Some people train to improve their performance in sports, others to maintain and improve daily living activities (especially as we age or face injuries), or to simply increase muscle size, increase resilience within the body and/or lose fat, etc, etc. 

Basic Principles of Strength Training

There are several key principles that guide effective programs.:

  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increasing the weight or resistance over time to continually challenge the muscles.
  • Specificity: Tailoring the exercises to target specific muscles and achieve specific goals.
  • Variation: Changing exercises, reps, and sets to prevent accommodation and keep the stimulus fresh.

Incorporating these principles into a focused and structured program ensures consistent progress and helps to avoid injury. 

Mechanics of Muscle Growth

When met with resistance our muscles undergo a process known as hypertrophy, where muscle fibers grow in size and strength. Aside from muscle growth, it’s important not to overlook the vital role of tendons and ligaments. Tendons connect muscles to bones, while ligaments connect bones to other bones. These connective tissues work together with muscles to produce and transmit force.

Both tendons and ligaments are highly adaptive to resistance training and improve their own structural integrity in response to such exercise. This leads to increased stability and resilience, enhancing overall performance and reducing the risk of injury.

Muscle Vs. Connective Tissue

There are some differences between muscles and connective tissues when it comes to strengthening, blood flow, and recovery. Muscles are highly vascularized, meaning they have a rich blood supply, which allows for efficient nutrient delivery and waste removal. Muscles also recover relatively quickly from exercise, typically within 48 hours.

Connective tissues, on the other hand, have less blood supply, which can make their recovery process longer and more gradual. That said, developing strong connective tissues is crucial for overall strength, daily activities, and injury prevention. intramuscular connective tissue plays an under-appreciated role in muscle function, development, and adaptation.

In summary, both muscles and connective tissues are vital for overall performance. By incorporating comprehensive movements into our program, we can maximize our potential regardless of why we train. Further into the article, I will explain the differences in how to efficiently work muscle vs. connective tissue. 

Benefits of Strength Training

As a former competitive powerlifter and current coach, I am very passionate about helping others realize their overall gym and physical/mental life goals. Building a stronger and more resilient body, offers numerous benefits that cater to different populations. In this section, I will discuss the physical benefits, physiological changes, and mental benefits. We will delve into the “how” a little bit later.

Physical Health Benefits

Working on your personal fitness is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. It increases muscle strength, which is particularly important for functional activities such as lifting heavy objects or performing daily tasks without difficulty. Additionally, training consistently can lead to increased endurance, which complements aerobic exercise to benefit cardiac health.

An important aspect of getting stronger is the ability to increase bone density and connective tissue resilience. This is particularly vital for athletes seeking to improve their performance and minimize the risk of injuries while also benefiting older individuals by reducing the risk of falls and fractures. Furthermore, young people embarking on this journey will build a strong foundation for an active and healthy lifestyle.

Physiological Changes

The first changes you’ll notice are thanks to your nervous system optimizing how it communicates with your muscles. This neural adaptation means you’re able to lift more and perform better right off the bat, without your muscles necessarily getting bigger yet. It’s like your body is learning to use what it already has more effectively. But then, muscle growth, or hypertrophy, begins. This happens because lifting weights causes small tears in your muscle fibers, which might sound bad but is actually good. Your body repairs these tears by building the muscles back stronger and thicker than before, leading to visible muscle growth and an increase in power. This process of breaking down and rebuilding also cranks up your metabolic rate, meaning your body burns more calories even at rest.

Moreover, you will also be strengthening your bones. The pressure from lifting weights signals your body to fortify your bones, making them denser and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. On a metabolic level, it improves insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, which can help manage your energy levels and reduce the risk of diabetes. In short, it sets off a chain reaction of positive changes in your body, from enhanced muscle and bone to improved metabolic health, laying the groundwork for a fitter, healthier you.

Mental Health Benefits

Aside from physical improvements, your brain benefits immensely as well. 

When you dive into strength training, it’s not just your body that gets a boost—your mind benefits big time, too. Initially, you might notice an uptick in your mood right after a workout, thanks to the release of endorphins, those feel-good chemicals your body produces in response to physical activity. But the benefits go deeper and become more lasting with regular training. First, working out can be a powerful stress buster. Pushing through a tough set can act like a pressure valve for your daily worries, giving you a chance to break away mentally from the hustle and bustle of life. Regular participation helps alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps balance key brain chemicals such as serotonin and endorphins that regulate mood and mental clarity. It’s a form of meditation in motion, where the focus required to lift safely and effectively can help clear your mind of clutter.

Beyond the immediate mood lift, pushing yourself in a healthy way can significantly boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. As you track your progress, lifting heavier, and seeing your body change, you’ll likely feel a sense of accomplishment that spills over into other areas of your life. This newfound confidence can make you feel more capable and ready to tackle challenges outside the gym. Moreover, consistent physical activity has been linked to improved cognitive function and a lower risk of cognitive decline. The discipline, the consistency, and goal setting not only forge a stronger body but a more resilient and focused mind, laying a foundation for mental toughness and emotional well-being that extends far beyond the gym walls.

Different Types of Strength Training

Strength Qualities

The “quality” refers to the specific characteristics or aspects of strength, highlighting the many ways in which it is expressed and applied in both athletic and everyday contexts. These qualities range from the ability to produce maximum force in a single effort to sustaining force over time, and from initiating movement quickly to maintaining muscle contractions without movement (isometric). Incorporating accommodating resistance—a method where the resistance changes throughout the range of motion to match the trainee’s force curve—helps to develop these qualities. By using tools like bands or chains, accommodating resistance ensures that muscles are maximally engaged and challenged throughout the entire movement, not just at their strongest or weakest points. This approach is particularly beneficial for enhancing explosive and speed strength, as well as strength speed, as it teaches the body to apply force effectively across the full range of motion, leading to improved performance and reduced risk of injury.

See the table below for a list of common strength qualities, with descriptions. Everything in here is a general guideline. Things can change due to many different variables such as experience, age, sport considerations, etc. This can get very nuanced; therefore, I’m touching on some that I feel are most important. I will be creating another article in the near future that will cover this in detail. 

Strength QualityDescriptionHow to Train ItExample Exercises/MovementsPercentages for 1RM + Explanation
Maximal The greatest amount of force that can be produced in a single effort.Focus on low repetitions (1-5) with high resistance.Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press90-100%: Training at or near max effort to increase the maximum force an individual can produce.
Absolute The maximum limit of force an individual can exert, irrespective of time or body weight.Similar to maximal strength training, focusing on the heaviest loads possible.Maximal lifts in Squat, Deadlift, Bench Press90-100%: Pushing the limits of force production, often considered the theoretical maximum in strength training.
Explosive Ability to exert maximal force in the shortest possible time, focusing on power.Train with fast, explosive movements using moderate resistance.Jump squats, Kettlebell swings, Medicine ball throws40-60% for lower body, 40-50% for upper body + accommodating resistance, to enhance explosiveness.
Speed StrengthThe ability to move quickly under a relatively low load, emphasizing the velocity of movement.Light loads or body weight, performed at maximum velocity.Band-resisted sprints, Speed box squats40-60% for lower body, 30-40% for upper body + accommodating resistance, prioritizing speed.
Strength SpeedDeveloping the ability to move heavy loads at slow velocity, emphasizing the combination of resistance.Utilize a combination of barbell weight and band tension, with bands exceeding barbell weight.Squats, Deadlifts with band tensionCombination of Resistance: Utilize heavy band tension exceeding barbell weight, focusing on slow velocity lifts.
EnduranceThe ability to sustain muscle contractions or perform movements over an extended period.High repetitions with lower weights, focusing on time under tension.High-rep bodyweight circuits, Long-distance runningBelow 50%: Emphasizes endurance and the ability to perform repeated efforts or maintain contractions.
Isometric Maintaining a muscle contraction or holding a position without movement, focusing on stability.Holding a position under tension for time.Planks, Wall sits, Isometric holds with resistance bandsN/A: Focus on time under tension rather than a percentage of 1RM, emphasizing duration and stability.

Aerobic Vs. Anaerobic

Another key distinction is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises rely on oxygen for energy production and promote cardiovascular endurance, while anaerobic exercises do not require oxygen and focus on enhancing muscle strength and power.

Energy SystemDurationFunction
ATP-PCr System (Phosphagen)Up to 10 secondsProvides immediate energy through the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and phosphocreatine (PCr) for short, high-intensity efforts like sprints or heavy lifts.
Glycolytic System (Anaerobic)10 seconds to 2 minutesTakes over as the primary source of energy after the ATP-PCr system is depleted, breaking down glucose into pyruvate to produce ATP anaerobically, which is used for sustained high-intensity activities.
Oxidative Phosphorylation System (Aerobic)Beyond 2 minutes (long duration)Dominates after the glycolytic system, utilizing carbohydrates, fats, and sometimes proteins in the presence of oxygen to generate ATP for prolonged low to moderate-intensity activities.

This table gives a general overview of the 3 energy systems and their functions. One thing I want to point out is that these systems do not work in isolation but rather on a continuum, with some overlap between them during various types and intensities of physical activities.

“Cardio” and Conditioning

While many people use the terms “cardio” and “conditioning” interchangeably, there are differences between the two. Cardiovascular exercises, such as running or swimming, aim to improve heart health and lung function. In contrast, conditioning focuses on improving overall physical performance, including the abilities to build strength, power, mobility, and coordination. When creating a conditioning-based program, I take into account the energy systems in the table above and create a plan from there. Similar to some other topics discussed in this blog post, I will be creating a future article thoroughly explaining this. 


Technique is one of the most important things coaches and trainers need to pay attention to. It can also be very misunderstood. Whether it’s an athlete lifting for their sport or a weekend warrior training to improve their health, we need to reduce the risk of injury as much as we can. Notice I say, “reduce the risk”. Sometimes freak things happen, which are not under our control. However, we are always paying attention to reducing that risk as much as possible by ensuring technique is on point, exercise selection is focused for the individual’s goals and ensuring the volume and intensity are within an optimal range. 

What does it mean to be technical when hitting the weights?

Being technical means to execute each movement with proper form and technique. This entails maintaining proper body positioning, utilizing the appropriate muscles, and coordinating the movement fluidly. Using a technical approach helps in achieving optimal results and reduces the risk of injury.

Why It’s SO important to understand and implement correct technique.

Correct technique is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that the targeted muscles are effectively engaged and challenged during the workout. Secondly, using proper form minimizes the risk of injuries that may occur as a result of poor technique, such as strains or sprains. Lastly, correct technique helps in achieving better results from your training, allowing for efficient progress.

Program Design and Planning

Setting up a Program

Searching online for a “training program” can be daunting for someone new. With that being said, even for intermediate and more advanced lifters, there are many ways to go when creating or following a program. There are various training methodologies. Two common approaches are the conjugate system and periodization programs. The conjugate system focuses on improving multiple fitness qualities simultaneously, whereas periodization programs usually have a more specific focus, such as hypertrophy, strength, or power, at different training periods. Both have their merits and are suitable for different goals and experience levels (from beginner to advanced).

For beginners who are putting something together on their own, I recommend beginning with a linear or block periodization program that focuses on one goal at a time. This allows you to create a solid foundation and gradually progress without overwhelming yourself. The guide on creating your own workout plan is a great jumping off point. If you want to go even more in depth, I recommend reading Dave Tate’s, “The Periodization Bible” articles. There are 2 parts to it, and it compares periodization vs. conjugate style training. Personally, I use and train people with a conjugated approach, but because it’s more nuanced and easily confused/misunderstood, I recommend working up to it IF that approach resonates with you. A lot of people are very opinionated on training methodologies, which I fully respect, but regardless of what you do… if you put in the work, you will reap the benefits and see results. 

The reason I prefer the conjugate system is because it allows you to work on multiple strength qualities at once. It’s also a system I’ve been reading about and using for 14+ years, so I’m very comfortable working within it. This approach can help you overcome plateaus and continue making progress. The key is to carefully analyze your strengths, weaknesses, and goals to determine which approach suits you best.

Exercise Selection

When selecting exercises for your program, it’s essential to consider the risk versus benefit, not only for general health but also in relation to your specific sports or activities. Movements like Olympic lifts, such as the snatch and clean and jerk, are highly technical. Unless you’ve already been training these lifts with proper form, they should be done under the supervision of a coach who understands proper technique to avoid injury. It’s the same with movements like the bench press, squat, and deadlift. These lifts are generally more accessible, less intimidating and done more frequently in a “fitness gym” setting. However, they still require just as much attention to detail. 

For individuals dealing with pain, injuries, or problem areas, exercise selection becomes even more critical. In these situations, I find it best to prioritize low-impact and rehabilitative movements, making sure to avoid exacerbating any existing issues. The steps to determine the best workout plan are a helpful resource for tailoring a program to your specific needs.

Volume and Intensity

Understanding the relationship between volume and intensity is a crucial aspect of program design. One helpful tool for navigating this balance is Prilepin’s Chart. Developed by Soviet sports scientist A.S. Prilepin, this chart offers guidelines for optimal sets, reps, and intensities based on the percentage of your one-rep maximum (1RM).

% of 1RMOptimal Reps per SetTotal Reps Range

Prilepin’s Chart has its origins in Soviet weightlifting, but it can also be applied to other power sports. Its primary goal is to help you maximize training quality without overexertion. When planning your workouts, remember to consider not only volume and intensity, but also exercise selection, individual goals, and current limitations. This way, you can design a program that challenges you effectively without risking injury or burnout.

Safety In The Gym

Warm Up

Warming up before jumping straight in for the day is essential to prevent injuries and ensure a more effective workout. By warming up, you’ll increase your cardiac rate, warm up the muscles, and improve flexibility. This prepares the body for the more intense exercises that follow and reduces the risk of injury.

Proper Form

While we’ve touched on technique already, I want to re-emphasize the importance. Proper form is crucial, not only to prevent injuries but also to ensure that you can use your full-strength potential in every movement or lift you perform. When maintaining correct technique and form, you avoid energy leaks and produce the most power, allowing you to achieve the best results. 

It’s also important to recognize that certain muscle and connective tissue weaknesses can make it difficult to implement the correct technique at first. For example, when doing squats, bench presses, or deadlifts, the stronger muscles might want to take over initially, leading to compromised form. That’s why it’s essential to identify and address these weaknesses over time to improve overall form.

Common Mistakes

Injury Prevention

When someone is just beginning, I always consider the risk-to-benefit ratio, especially when working with different demographics such as athletes, serious lifters, older adults, or youth. It is essential to adapt the training approach to the trainees’ specific needs and limitations to minimize the risk of injury while maximizing the benefits.

Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery play a crucial role in an individual’s overall success. Proper recovery includes getting enough calories, staying hydrated, and ensuring the right balance of macronutrients and micronutrients.

It’s important to understand that connective tissues have a more challenging time recovering than muscles due to reduced blood flow. This is where high repetition band work becomes beneficial, as it increases blood flow to connective tissues, promoting resilience and recovery.

Active recovery, such as light stretching or low-intensity exercises, is also vital. Engaging in active recovery can help maintain blood flow to the muscles, helping them heal faster and preventing stiffness.

By incorporating these safety tips into your training, you can reduce the risk of injury, improve overall performance, and achieve better results.

Nutrition’s Role

Macronutrients and Micronutrients

Macronutrients are critical components of our diet as they provide our bodies with energy. There are three primary macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, proteins are responsible for growth and repair of body tissues, and fats are a concentrated energy source that supports various body functions. In contrast, micronutrients are required in smaller quantities but play essential roles in our body’s processes. These include vitamins and minerals. Here’s a table summarizing some key micronutrients and their functions:

Vitamin AVision, immune function, and cell growth
B vitaminsEnergy production, cell function, and metabolism
Vitamin CImmunity, collagen production, and iron absorption
Vitamin DCalcium absorption and bone health
Vitamin EAntioxidant and protection of cell membranes
Vitamin KBlood clotting and bone metabolism
CalciumBone and teeth structure, nerve function, and muscle contraction
IronOxygen transportation and energy production
MagnesiumBone health, muscle and nerve function, and energy production
ZincImmune function, protein synthesis, and wound healing

Weight Gain vs. Weight Loss

The primary goal of nutrition in the gym can vary based on individual needs, from gaining muscle mass to losing body fat. Achieving the desired results requires a proper balance of macronutrients and overall caloric intake. To gain muscle, an increase in macronutrient consumption, particularly protein and carbohydrates, is essential. Consuming more calories than the body expends can lead to weight gain, but for the excess calories to contribute effectively to muscle growth, they need to be accompanied by resistance training that stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Without adequate exercise, excess calories may lead to increased body fat instead of muscle. On the other hand, weight loss requires a calorie deficit, where one consumes fewer calories than the body expends. This deficit forces the body to use stored fat as an energy source.

Here is an overview of how this process works:

  1. Caloric Surplus: For muscle growth (hypertrophy), you often need a caloric surplus, meaning you consume more calories than your body needs for maintenance. This provides the energy required for the anabolic (building up) processes.
  2. Protein Synthesis: Resistance training stimulates muscle protein synthesis, which is the process of building new muscle proteins. However, you need adequate protein intake along with a caloric surplus for optimal muscle synthesis.
  3. Nutrient Partitioning: When in a caloric surplus, how those calories are partitioned (used by the body) depends on several factors like genetics, current body composition, hormonal environment, and the type and intensity of exercise. Ideally, more calories would go toward muscle growth rather than fat storage.
  4. Resistance Training: Adequate stimulus from resistance training is crucial. Without this stimulus, excess calories may not effectively contribute to muscle growth and could instead lead to increased body fat.
  5. Hormonal Response: Testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor play roles in muscle growth. A caloric surplus alongside resistance training can positively influence these hormones.

Various macros vs calories calculation formulas can help one find the right balance of macronutrients and overall caloric intake. However, these methods have evolved over the years, and tracking progress continually is crucial for achieving and maintaining the desired goal.


Achieving proper hydration is critical for optimizing performance. Water is an essential component of many bodily functions, including temperature regulation, nutrient transportation, and waste elimination. Dehydration can impair muscle function and reduce performance levels, leading to increased fatigue and a higher risk of injury. To maintain adequate hydration levels, one should consume water throughout the day and during training sessions. A lot of people don’t pay enough attention to this, including myself in the past. When I learned how much weaker and how much more susceptible to injury I was, even being just a bit dehydrated, I made sure hydration was a daily focus moving forward.


While supplements can play a role, it’s essential to remember they are only a small part of the overall equation. People should always focus first on optimizing their diet and training program. Supplements are meant to support the body’s processes when diet and exercise may fall short. They should be thought of exactly how they’re named, there to “supplement” the diet. 

Here is a common list of supplements, along with their function. 

Supplement CategoryFunction
CreatineEnhances energy production in muscles, increases power, improves performance.
Protein Powders (Whey, Casein, Plant-based)Supports muscle repair and growth, aids recovery post-exercise.
Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)Reduces exercise-induced muscle soreness, promotes muscle protein synthesis.
Fish Oil (Omega-3 Fatty Acids)Supports cardiovascular health, reduces inflammation, may aid in muscle recovery.
Beta-AlanineIncreases muscle carnosine levels, reduces fatigue, enhances endurance performance.
Pre-Workout FormulasTypically contain a blend of ingredients to boost energy, focus, and endurance.
L-GlutamineSupports gut health and immune function, may assist in muscle recovery and repair.
MultivitaminsProvides essential vitamins and minerals for overall health and wellness.
Greens PowdersOffers concentrated vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from plant sources.
ElectrolytesEssential for hydration, nerve and muscle function, prevents cramping during exercise.
Vitamin DEssential for bone health, immune support, and muscle function.
CaffeineStimulates the central nervous system to increase alertness and improve concentration.
ZMA (Zinc, Magnesium Aspartate, Vitamin B6)May help with sleep quality, muscle recovery, and maintaining hormone levels.
Citrulline MalateMay increase nitric oxide production, enhance blood flow, improve endurance, and reduce fatigue.

These supplements, when used appropriately and responsibly, can complement a well-rounded overall regimen. However, consulting with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before incorporating any supplements is always recommended.

Strength Training for Different Populations

As a fitness professional, it’s important to recognize that different populations require tailored approaches. Let’s explore how to optimize training for various groups like older adults, athletes, and youths.

For older adults, a main focus should be on promoting functional fitness and preventing age-related muscle loss. It’s essential to prioritize exercises that improve balance, coordination, and overall strength. Training using lighter weights, weight machines, bands, or body weight can be highly beneficial. Emphasizing proper form and a gradual progression in intensity is crucial to avoid injuries. Harvard Health provides guidance on resistance training numbers for older adults.

Athletes, on the other hand, require a more specialized approach to strength training that aligns with their specific sport goals. For instance, a basketball player might benefit from plyometric exercises that focus on explosive power, whereas a long-distance runner might prioritize core strength training exercises. It is vital to incorporate periodization in an athlete’s program, allowing adequate time for rest and recovery.

Now let’s consider youth populations. When it comes to children and adolescents, safety and technique are of utmost importance. It will help young athletes get stronger while minimizing their risk of injury. According to NASM, children can improve strength by 30-50% in an 8-12-week timeframe when implementing a regular program.

In summary, developing tailored programs for different ages and fitness goals is essential. By acknowledging each population’s unique needs, we can create safe and effective programs that cater to their optimal progress.

Measuring Progress

Write It Down

Recording your workouts is crucial for evaluating progress, as it provides a clear and objective overview of your performance over time. By diligently noting down details such as the exercises performed, weights lifted, sets completed, and reps achieved, you can identify trends, track improvements, and pinpoint areas that may require additional focus. 

This practice not only helps in setting realistic fitness goals but also in maintaining motivation by seeing the milestones reached along the way. Furthermore, a workout log can be an invaluable tool for avoiding plateaus; by analyzing past workouts, you can tweak your plan to ensure continued progress and optimal results. In essence, keeping a record is a powerful means to both guide and inspire your path.

It also serves as an objective communication tool between you and your coach. A detailed log allows a coach to closely monitor your training, make informed adjustments to your program, and provide personalized feedback. By having access to your workout history, a coach can analyze patterns in your performance, manage workload, and prevent overtraining, which is essential for long-term development and success. It ensures that both you and your coach are aligned, facilitating a more collaborative and effective approach to achieving your goals. 

Physique Changes

Another way to measure progress is by observing changes in your physique. This can include:

  • Muscle growth
  • Body fat reduction
  • Muscle definition

Performance Metrics

Performance metrics are useful to assess improved overall physical abilities. 

  • Endurance: Check improvements in your cardiovascular fitness and ability to perform activities for longer periods.
  • Speed: Time how quickly you can complete certain exercises or tasks, such as sprints or obstacle courses.
  • Flexibility: Periodically evaluate your range of motion in various joints.
  • Strength: Monitor enhancements in your physical power by recording increases in the weight you can lift or the number of repetitions you can perform with a given load, reflecting your muscles’ ability to exert force and handle heavier demands over time.


Beginner to Advanced

It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to understand and implement proper technique in your lifts. As someone progresses from beginner to advanced levels, their knowledge and proficiency with different exercises increase. This can be reflected in any of the above performance metrics, such as the ability to lift heavier weights, or the mastery of complex movement patterns. Consistent progress is a result of consistent learning and practice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the safest / most optimal way for me to get going as a beginner?

As a beginner, I would recommend beginning with bodyweight exercises or light weights. Focus on learning proper form and technique. Gradually increase the weight and intensity as you gain experience and confidence. Consider seeking guidance from a personal trainer either in person or online. 

Does my age matter?

Age is not a limiting factor. In fact, it can help you preserve and enhance muscle mass at any age. However, it’s essential to consult with your doctor before engaging in a new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing health issues.

I don’t like gyms – Can I still get results working out at home?

Yes, you can absolutely achieve results with home workouts. Make use of your bodyweight or invest in some basic equipment, such as dumbbells and resistance bands. Ensure your workout space is safe and allows for proper range of motion during exercises.

Stretching – Yes, or No?

Yes, stretching is essential for maintaining flexibility and preventing injuries. I recommend incorporating both dynamic stretching in your warm-up and static stretching during your cool-down phase.

How does strength differ from hypertrophy training?

Strength training focuses on increasing your overall strength and power, while hypertrophy training emphasizes muscle group growth and size. Hypertrophy training typically consists of higher volume with more repetitions and less rest between sets.

How many days/week should I train?

The optimal number of days you should train depends on your fitness goals and individual recovery needs. Generally, I recommend at least two to three times per week, with rest days in between, allowing your muscles to recover. Also, be aware of not training the same muscle group too often. The plan should be balanced. 

Why is it so important for athletes to incorporate strength training into their schedule?

Incorporating a strength program into an athlete’s overall regimen can improve performance, increase power, and reduce the risk of injury. It also helps balance muscle development and prevent imbalances that could lead to poor performance or injury. Many sports over the years have looked down upon training with free weights, as coaches felt it could add more wear and tear and lead to potential injuries. However, when athletes begin strength training, as long as they have good technique and are learning from someone who knows how to teach correctly, it will add a plethora of benefits to whatever sport they are taking part in. 

Will weights “bulk me up”?

Weights alone will not necessarily “bulk you up.” Bulking up requires a combination of weight training, specific nutrition, and genetics. I would suggest focusing on moderate weights and higher repetitions to avoid excessive muscle growth if that is not your goal.


As we’ve journeyed from the fundamental principles to the advanced strategies of strength training, remember that the path to physical prowess is as individual as you are. Each piece of this article are parts of a complex puzzle that fit together uniquely for each person. Always prioritize form to ensure safety and effectiveness, fuel your body with the nutrition it needs for recovery and growth, carefully craft your workouts to challenge your evolving abilities, and consider supplements as small tools to enhance an already solid foundation. Stay patient, consistent, and persistent. The strength you build will be more than just muscular—it will be a testament to your dedication and hard work. Keep pushing, keep learning, and let the weights be your teacher. Here’s to the strength within you, ready to be unleashed!

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